Monday, February 1, 2010

On his last leg

I have a grand father that is 86 and is sleeping in a hospis. Because that is what it is, I went down to Reno this past week and spend some time with him. Rather than show you a picture of him and his room I have decided to share a picture I took of the boys and their family that I took while I was on that trip. Ted's Great and Great Great grand kids.
Lexy,Ky,Dusty, Terry, Charles, Candy and Charlie D.

1 comment:

DT said...

Sorry to hear about your grandfather. Hospices are good choices this late in the game. I've had several uncles check out through their services, all with the utmost dignity and respect. *** Thanks for an updated family picture. Don't tell them, but I sure miss those turdbirds! :) I see Dusty with his badge of stupid, err, courage. Candie told me about the car, jack and no jack stands... at least it wasn't a TANK! LOL